
Just living...

Well, it looks like I haven't been doing very well on keeping up with everyone on here.  So much for my resolution to write more!  Ah well...  If anyone has any topic suggestions I'm game!

There really hasn't been a whole lot worth blogging about.  I'm just living right now.

By the end of this week I'll have something for you though - chicks!  We're going to get our first batch of chicks to raise for eggs this week.  Michael has a little home set up for them already and now we just need to wait for them to arrive.  I've ordered 15 chicks in the belief that not all of them will survive to adulthood - heaven help me if they all survive!  Hopefully we'll only end up with hens (that's what I've ordered) but I've heard that cockerels will sometimes be included.  I guess if there are a few males we'll have fresh chicken to fry up - yum.

I've been working my butt off lately.  Good thing I love my job or I'd be miserable with the kind of time I'm dedicating.  With my long commutes from Stillwater (67 miles one way) my days run about 12 hours on average.  I'm often out of the office to visit with clients as well, which is nice in a way, but makes the day a bit longer.  I'll be visiting a client tomorrow morning in OKC, then on Thursday I'm off to see a client in Tulsa, which is a two hour drive from OKC.  That's a long day - one hour in from home, two hours to Tulsa, meet a client, take 'em to lunch, two hours back to OKC, then an hour drive back home.  Ugh, I'm tired just thinking about it!  Its all good though.  I'm really trying to cultivate a market for our business in Tulsa so I'm just doing what it takes to get our foot in the door.

If you've seen my previous post, I don't really have much of an update on Max.  The racing season hasn't yet started but I do know that they've got him up at the track in Tulsa (he was down in TX).  I'm just waiting to see how he does on his first race of the season.

Gus just turned 12 last week, can you believe it?!  He's been getting into Boy Scouts with his Grandpa lately and really enjoying it.  The troops are run better up here than they were down in FW - what a soap opera down there!  None of that nonsense up here, so the boys can really get into earning badges and completing levels. They already had their first camp-out a couple weekends ago.  I was really glad I was at home in my cozy house while Michael, Gus, Austin and Grandpa were freezing their butts off in Yale!  They didn't last the whole weekend but still had fun despite the weather.

Austin is getting into scouting as well, though he is currently a Webelo (last level of Cub Scouts).  He'll be old enough for Boy Scouts this summer.  The Cub Scouts have their own camp-out coming up later this spring and all the boys are really excited.

Isaac has been driving Michael to distraction, just by being his irritating sweet self.  I can't imagine why Michael can't find the time to search for jobs, clean the house, make meals, etc., with such a wonderful helper around.  ;)

I took the pictures below with my phone from my office window when a storm passed through OKC.  Enjoy...

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